Screaming Instincts Hello. My name is Brenda. Today I will be talking about listening to your instincts when it comes to your characters. But first, I`d like to give Jenna a huge, heartfelt thank you for featuring me and my newly& ...
Blurb: His secret will shatter her world. Katherine Colby`s life splintered ten years ago when her lover suddenly vanished, leaving her with more than a broken heart. But when Kal unexpectedly makes an appearance, her safe,& ...
I`m so excited!!! And I just can`t hide it. I`m about to lose control and I think I like it!! I`m getting my Pointer Sisters on today because: My good friend Brenda Dyer is here and she has kindly provided us with a little panty-melting& ...
Author: Brenda Dyer Publisher: Self published. Genre: Paranormal romance: Reviewer: Crystal Review Rating: 5 LIGHTNING BOLTS Blurb:His secret will shatter her world. Katherine Colby`s life splintered ten years ago when& ...
Screaming Instincts Hello. My name is Brenda. Today I will be talking about listening to your instincts when it comes to your characters. But first, I`d like to give Jenna a huge, heartfelt thank you for featuring me and my newly& ...
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